When considering whole house fans there are several options. The option that has been around the longest is the traditional style whole house fan. These fans are mounted directly in the ceiling level. You will also find advanced WHF that will use the same ducting to suspend the fan motor from the ceiling grille. Traditional WHF were created in the 1960s. And they do exactly what they're supposed to do, only they come with several negatives. Besides being extremely loud, they usually are cheaply made.
QuietCool is the patent holder for ducted whole house fans, otherwise known as advanced whole house fans. QuietCool whole house fans suspend the motorhead 3 - 6 feet away from the ceiling grille with an acoustically lying duct that dampens the sound level.

QuietCool also includes a barometric pressurized damper system above the grille that prevents minimal heat and air transfer back into the home.

Acoustical Duct
Precision Balanced Fan Blades
Barometric Pressurized Dampers
Efficient ECM Brushless Motors