The QuietCool Specialty Series was designed for every application imaginable. QuietCool Specialty Series fans dominate the market in energy efficiency. Our Specialty Series works great in practically all climate zones and most homes, mobile homes, and even warehouse buildings!
The QuietCool Garage Fans offer great ventilation options for your garage, man cave, or workshop. We offer the GA ES-1500 to ventilate both your garage and attic, and the GX ES-1100 to ventilate your garage only, with a wall mount design.
Solar Roof Attic Fan
• High Efficiency Design
• Designed and Built in California
• 15 Year Warranty
• Garage Fans (GA ES-1500 shown right)

Venting plays a very significant role in the performance of QuietCool fans. QuietCool recommends a minimum of 1 SQ. FT. of venting for every 750 CFM in the QuietCool system. If an attic has at least 1:750 attic venting, the QuietCool system will operate efficiently and effectively. If an attic has less than 1:750 attic venting, the system may not operate as efficiently, or effectively, as it could with 1:750 attic venting. But don’t worry, the system will still operate if there is not enough venting.
Insufficient venting is a very simple problem to fix. We can add extra venting to most homes simply and easily. The most common types of venting is shown in the chart below.
Vent Type Model Type Average Size Venting Sq. Ft.
Gable vent 12” x 19.5” 1.20
Dormer Vent 14” x 8” 0.70
Eave Vent
4” 5” 6”
0.03 0.04 0.07
Ridge Vent 4’ - 12’ 0.125 per ft
Soffit Vent
16” x 4” 16” x 6” 16” x 8”
0.19 0.29 0.39
O’Hagin Vent
Low/Medium Profile Tapered Low Profile Low Profile Flat High Profile
0.5 0.6 0.68 0.68
Turbine Vent
8” 12” 14”
.35 .79 1.1